Return Policy
Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel your order, please notify us within 60 minutes of placing it. Unfortunately, after this time, we are unable to make changes before the order is dispatched.
If an order is cancelled, redirected, or refused after dispatch, additional charges may apply, which will be deducted from your refund. To cancel your order, please contact us promptly.
Returns Policy
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. However, if you are not happy with your product, you must notify us in writing within 14 days of receiving the item to arrange a return. Regrettably, we cannot accept returns after this period.
Return Conditions
- The product must be returned in a saleable condition. Any damage such as scratches, knocks, or scuffs may result in a charge for repair or replacement.
- You are responsible for the care of the goods while they are in your possession. Take reasonable steps to ensure they are returned to Hecare undamaged and properly packaged to avoid any issues during transit.
If goods are returned without adequate packaging, are incorrectly addressed, or do not have sufficient postage, and are subsequently damaged, Hecare may have a claim against you. Therefore, we strongly recommend that all returned items are securely packaged and insured during transit.
Return Options
We can arrange a collection through our courier service. Due to the size and weight of many of our items, we highly recommend using this option. For details, please contact us.
Important Notes
- Return Costs: The customer is responsible for return delivery costs, including any customs charges or taxes that may apply.
- Packaging: Please retain the original packaging until you are certain you are satisfied with the product. We reserve the right to charge for any damage to the product or its packaging.
- Notification: You must notify us in writing (via email or post) within 14 days of receipt if you wish to return an item.